Legal notes

Copyright 2024 Metabowerke GmbH (Metabo)

Terms of use
This information and communication service is provided by Metabowerke GmbH (Metabo), Postfach 1229, D-72602 Nürtingen.

By accessing this website, the user accepts without limitation or reservation the following conditions of use:

Copyright - all rights reserved.
The information provided on this website (text, images, graphics, animations, media objects and their layout) are subject to copyright and other protective laws.

Without the approval of Metabo, the contents of these pages must not be copied or modified for commercial purposes or made accessible to third parties. In particular, duplicates, translations, storage and processing in other electronic media are not permitted.

Some pages contain pictures, text or media objects that are subject to the third party copyright protection.

Unless specified otherwise, all brands on the website are registered trademarks. This applies in particular to brands, brand logos, company logos and other emblems of Metabowerke Gmbh, Rothenberger Werkzeuge GmbH, Mafell AG, Collomix GmbH, Eisenblätter GmbH, Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH Eibenstock, Electrostar GmbH, Haaga Kehrsysteme GmbH and Steinel Vertrieb GmbH.

The design elements used on these pages are the intellectual property of Metabowerke GmbH, Germany.

The information on this website has been compiled with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee for the absence of errors and accuracy of the contained information.

Therefore, Metabo excludes any liability towards damages that might arise directly or indirectly from the use of information on this website.

Metabo is only responsible for such damages in connection with the use of this Internet presence, which have been caused intentionally or due to negligence.

For the instance involving a sales representative in the sense of the HGB, and damages that were caused intentionally or through negligence, Metabo's responsibility is limited to the foreseeable, typical damages, as long as it is not due to negligent handling or omission by the vendor's agencies, or as long as no important contractual obligation has been violated. The product liability and warranty promises of Metabo remain unaffected. The limits to liability above shall also not be applied in case of injury to body, health or life.

Furthermore, this website contains links to offer of third parties via external links. The contents of these linked offers are beyond Metabo's power so that no liability is assumed for such contents.

If we determine or receive information from others that we link to a website with illegal contents, we shall remove this link if possible.

The terms of use are subject to German law excluding the UN purchase law. The court of jurisdiction for disputes relating to this internet presence is Nürtingen.

In the event that a provision of these conditions of use shall be or become ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

Legal notes on data protection
Notes on data protection can be found in our information on data protection